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8 of the worst 'top tips' from trashy magazines

We wholeheartedly advise against all of these.

TRASHY MAGAZINES HAVE their place. They’re cheap, outrageous, and provide a much needed laugh in a waiting room or on the beach.

However, they’re not to be relied upon for advice, especially advice sent in by their loyal readers.

Tumblr lifedeathtoptips has gathered some of the most cringeworthy and downright silly tips published.

Here are eight we won’t be rushing to try any time soon.

1. Why use storage when you can dress up stuffed toys?

And, like Jesus, I'm BACK. I&#8217... Source: lifedeathtoptips

 2. Recycle those teabags

The technology known as gloves&#8... Source: lifedeathtoptips

Why use gloves when you can squeeze a soggy teabag?

3. Re-use your brollies

My umbrella snapped on a windy day, so I... Source: lifedeathtoptips

Time to scour the bins of a windy day.

 4. Read the book

It's fun to act out scenes! say... Source: lifedeathtoptips

Instead of listening to music, why not read the lyrics instead?

5. Paint on your jewellery

Who DOESN'T love jewellery that ru... Source: lifedeathtoptips

Just be careful you don’t rub off your earrings when washing your face

6. Put sanitary towels on your head

The Sanitary Bunny hides tampons in the... Source: lifedeathtoptips

We’re starting to feel sorry for these girls now.

7. Stick tampons between your toes

Soon sanitary products are going to have... Source: lifedeathtoptips

Just stop with the sanitary supplies, please?

8. …or your nose

I sincerely hope that in their annual re... Source: lifedeathtoptips

No? OK.

They get worse (or better, if that’s your thing) over on the lifedeathtoptips tumblr.

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