SO YOU AND your OH are from different counties.
1. Most of your weekend is spent pricing a train or timing a bus
Sure I’d be better off walking.
2. Bus Eireann is the bane of your life
In general. Why haven’t you learned how to drive yet? They better be worth it.
3. Things get tense during the GAA season
County before love.
4. But sometimes you can come to an agreement
5. Sometimes they say things that you have NO idea what they mean
A’boy de’kid!
Ye what?
6. You can’t join in on any conversations with their pals talking about all the places back home
Them - Ah we’ll hit Cruises after O’Deas. Remember last time down by Preachers when we saw that rat?
You – wtf?
7. They change their accent when they’re back home
Or just on the phone to their mam.
8. People automatically think you met online
How did yous meet?
Through friends.
Last we checked, people move.
9. Going down home with them is the bane of your weekends
Once you finally live together, you’ve to make the journey every few months down to stay in the house. Oh God, the pressure.