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12 essential facts of life for people growing up as the youngest brother

You are the bottom of the food chain.

1. You were always the prop for whatever ridiculous stunt that was planned by older siblings

stunt Source: blogspot

That’s you on the ground.

2. Which meant that they either practiced wrestling moves on you

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3. Or dressed you up for their own amusement

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4. As the youngest brother, you were invariably picked last for sport because you were by far the smallest

horan Source: YouTube

Even though you knew in your heart that you were better than them.

5. You were the last to have a go on every single thing because you’re bottom of the food chain

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6. But, let’s face it, the youngest brother got away with the most shenanigans

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The aul pair had just given up at that point.

7. By the time the hand-me-downs had got to you, they could barely still be considered clothes

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8. Your older sisters absolutely doted on you – despite them saying the opposite for years

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9. The extravagant lies your siblings told you growing up were almost admirable in their creativity

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10. When you got a little older, it was seriously helpful having older brothers and sisters to do adult things for you

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They never had such a luxury.

11. And you could impress your friends with stories about your teenage brothers and sisters

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“YEAH, they were at a party until 2am. Mad.”

12. And finally… you were constantly on the lookout for pranks – it was your major worry in life

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But you wouldn’t change being the youngest brother for anything.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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