1. The Dublin pub staff that came across this story on their wall
And didn’t give a flying one with their response:
No f**ks given that day.
2. The person who got a hold of the Burger King Tralee Facebook page one fateful day
Not a single f**k.
3. The lads who took their Halloween costumes literally
4. The shopkeeper who simply could not care less
5. The Dublin restaurant that gave two fingers to Good Friday
“Braise the Lord”
6. The lads that cared little about the pouring rain
7. When this person gave up any chance at successfully acquiring a van because they couldn’t handle the sarcasm any more
8. This store’s relaxed attitude to their customers is worthy of praise
9. The time this GAA umpire tucked into a Supermac’s snack box during a game
He’s gone into negative f**ks given.
10. The person who was spotted dropping f**ks left, right and centre off the back of this car
11. The time this guy popped up in the background of the news with an audacious advertising plan
12. You get the feeling that this graffiti artist actually couldn’t give a f**k about the wall in question
13. And finally… the girl who got a taxi all the way from Galway to Celbridge after her night out on New Years might very well be the definition of it
Zero f**ks given.