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10 essential life questions, answered by a 103-year-old woman

AKA the wisdom you actually need.

Hilda Evelyn Kottman Source: Imgur

HILDA EVELYN KOTTMAN is a grandmother, who is 103 years old.

She is on Twitter, and she also recently answered a number of essential life questions on Reddit. We’ve picked out the best of the answers from her Ask Me Anything.

So what does life look like from the perspective of more than a century? Here’s how Hilda sees it:

During your life, how have you seen the world change for the better and for the worse?

Source: Visentico/Sento

What was your favorite decade?

Source: PA Archive/Press Association Images

What is the one thing all young men should know about women?

Source: Lord Demise

What is the craziest thing that has ever happened while you were drunk?

Source: danxoneil

What do you want for Christmas?

Source: HBO

Most risky thing you have ever done in your life?

Source: AP/Press Association Images

Is it true that the older you get, the less you sweat the small stuff?

Source: the.barb

What is your favourite memory?


What have been some of the happiest moments in your life?

Source: CasparGirl

Are you afraid of dying? 

Source: Fabio Marini

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About the author:

Michael Freeman

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