Dublin: 11 °C Friday 7 March, 2025

11 things we all did when we were kids

Did you learn about Willie Birmingham? And use furniture to avoid lava?

1. Made up sins for confession.

“I hit my sister”
“I said a curse”
“I kicked the dog”

We all did it.


2. Learned about Willie Bermingham the firefighter

Dublin firefighter Willie Bermingham set up the charity Alone. We all learned this in school, and remembered it.

3. Put playing cards on the spokes of our bikes

It was just like we were on motorbikes. SO grown up.


4. Learned songs like Zacheus and Growing Up

All together now:

Zacheus was a greedy little man. He cheated all the people in the land…
Growing up, growing up to be. A caterpillar grows to be a butterfly and a seed grows up

5. Made ‘perfume’ and tried to sell it to our neighbours

The perfume was water and crushed petals.

6. Pretended the floor was lava and used the furniture and cushions as stepping stones

This was a genuine fear for some people.


7. Prayed for snow/Biblical floods so that school will be called off

(Mark Thiessen/AP/Press Association Images)

8. Wet our toothbrush so our mothers would think that we had washed our teeth


9. Listened to Rice Krispies snap, crackle and pop EVERY SINGLE TIME

Ah, the power of advertising.


10. Played outside until the last possible minute

BRITNEY! Your dinner’s ready! (Shutterstock)

11. Tried to make 20p go as far as possible

You could get a Big Time, a 5p bag of crisps and five penny sweets. Or, or, a Sherbet Fountain and ten penny sweets. Or, or…

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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