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The 11 angriest moments of Tina Turner

Do not mess with Tina Turner.

TINA TURNER IS getting married to her music producer partner Erwin Bach, according to reports.

We’d just like to remind her future husband that Tina will stand for no nonsense. Here, for example, are 11 previous times when she had to get fierce.

The time Mick Jagger borrowed her hairspray and didn’t return it


The time she caught some kids sneaking into the stadium through the fire doors


The time her goddamn knee was acting up, and it just didn’t feel right no matter what she did with it


The time she was SURE her backing dancer was touching her ass, but it was just her tassels


The time someone in the front row wore a Mariah Carey t-shirt


The time she ate a giant, extra-hot lamb jalfrezi before the show, and was really just angry with herself, because she knows better




The time she’d TOLD Bruce Willis not to wear his stupid Beavis and Butthead t-shirt, and he just went right ahead and did it


The time when a wardrobe assistant gave her transparent pants


The time she was standing in six inches of tepid slurry


And of course the time when the Queen tried to out-fierce her on the handshake line.

All images: Press Association

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About the author:

Michael Freeman

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