Dublin: 8 °C Friday 14 March, 2025

Hey! Just after noon today it will be 12/12/12 12:12:12

And it’s probably the last repeating date you’ll ever see.

AT 12 MINUTES and 12 seconds past 12 today, it will be 12/12/12 12:12:12.

And if that isn’t enough to send you into a number-induced coma, it’s probably the last repeating date you’ll ever see.

(The next one isn’t until January 1, 2101.)

Other fun facts about today: it’s National Ding-A-Ling Day and National Ambrosia Day, so you can celebrate those however you like. Possibly by eating a lot of custard.

And some people believe that the world will end today, according to the Mayan calendar. (But most right-thinking Mayan calendar interpreters think it’s the 21st, so we’ve got another few days at least.)

Does this panic you? You’re not alone.  Here’s how a 12-week-old kitten reacted to the news:

YouTube/Rouven Kasten

Update: Commenter Mark Sullivan has pointed out that at noon today it will also be 12 days and 12 hours until Christmas. ARGH.

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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