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12 of the toughest questions you will ever be asked to answer

Would you rather…

THINKING OF  HEADING to bed soon, were you?

Well, allow us to intervene with a bunch of questions that might just keep you up until the wee small hours.

Inspired by this thread over on Reddit, this series of  ’would you rathers’ range from the horrifying, to the philosophical, to the downright sociopathic.

Enjoy. And remember, YOU MUST CHOOSE ONE!

1. Would you rather have all farts be silent but EXTREMELY deadly, or all farts be harmless but EXTREMELY loud?

Before you answer, bear in mind that there is no guarantee that your silent farts would be anonymous.

Let’s also take a moment to imagine a world where people just walk around letting off colossal farts.

via DogShaming.com

2. Would you rather drink orange juice, expecting it to be milk, or drink milk expecting it to be orange juice?

Both of these are, quite frankly, horrifying prospects.

3. Would you rather have legs as long as your fingers, or fingers as long as your legs?

Both are fully functional, by the way.

via VisualiseUs

4. Would you rather sweat mayonnaise or sweat ketchup?

You must choose one. Imagine the stench. Shudder.

via Shutterstock.com

5. Would you rather know when you will die or how you will die?

6. Would you rather step on a piece of Lego barefoot everyday for a week, or get a single paper cut between your toes?

Yep, we went there.

7. Would you rather make your internet browsing history for the last 12 months accessible to anyone for a year, or give up the internet for a year?

8. Would you rather understand any language, or be able to play any instrument?

Vous devez choisir.

9. Would you rather always be a little bit too hot, or a little bit too cold?

Just a little bit. So you’re uncomfortable.

10. Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck?

via Reddit

11. Would you rather take a 50% chance of winning €100 million, or a 99% chance of winning €1 million?

It could be you.

12. Would you rather never being able to lie, or never be able to tell the truth?


Did you answer them all?

Let us know your choices in the comments.

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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