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Helen Wood disclosed details of her liason with the actor to The Sun The Sun

Mystery actor wins gagging order over prostitute claims

A mystery leading man is desperate to keep his name out of the papers, after allegations that he had an affair with ‘Rooney prostitute’.

A “WORLD FAMOUS celebrity” has been granted a gagging order to stop news of his cavorting with a prostitute becoming public knowledge.

A judge in the UK has banned newspapers from revealing the name of the famous actor, who allegedly cheated on his wife with 23 year old Helen Wood, who is perhaps best known for her intimate relations with Wayne Rooney. The Telegraph reports that a judge extended an injunction yesterday which protects the actor’s name, but has allowed Woods to reveal her allegations about the star. The actor is identified only as “NEJ”.

The mystery celebrity, who is a father, had sought an injuction on Saturday after discovering that the prostitute had revealed details of their alleged liason to a tabloid newspaper. In a challenge to the injunction yesterday it was successfully argued that she should be allowed to tell her story.

The ban on revealing who NEJ is will remain in place until a full trial takes place, or another order is imposed.

Over 30 celebrities have sought and won similar legal protection in the past couple of years. Footballer John Terry, Take That star Howard and Donald and golfer Colin Montgomerie are just some of those whose names we know, but as The Telegraph reports, there are many more who remain anonymous.