1. You’ve been told not to
Seriously, you have been actively told not to use it, by the UK and US governments.
A security flaw in the browser means that hackers can now literally see into your soul via the medium of Internet Explorer.
Okay, maybe not your soul, but not far off it.
Versions 6 to 11 are under threat and until Microsoft finds a fix hackers could be able to gain full user permissions over remote computers, allowing them to install programs, and view and delete data.
And if you needed any more convincing, here are six more reasons:
2. This comic
3. This hoax
In 2011 a hoax survey which claimed that people who used Internet Explorer rather than other browsers like Chrome, Firefox and Safari had a lower IQ.
Everyone was fooled: BBC, Forbes, Mashable…
4. This accurate Hallowe’en tale
5. This reality
6. This heartbreaking truth
Internet explorer. The best browser for downloading another browser.
People actually use IE? What madness is this?
Its needed for Business online banking.
Or “1996 retro-banking” as I like to call “BOI-BOL”.
It’s actually the best browse now on web standards and as judged by the nerds. But old habits die hard
What banking is that? I easily access 3 different online banks from non IE browsers.
I don’t get it. Why does everyone seem to hate internet explorer?
It’s slow and not as secure as the others. Mainly slow though. Seems to be getting better security wise
Ah right! Cheers
IE is great but whatever.
Uk and US governments tell the world to stop using IE 11 . The Irish government should come out around about out the day after tomorrow and say the same thing.
The Irish government will NEVER say anything bad about Microsoft. 1,800 jobs? Are you mad?
It’s become a lot more standards-compliant over the last few years. Still not perfect, though.
Lol, just remembered, Thats why the defunct space station Mir crashed.
Turned out, that a astronaut was using Internet Exploder (geddit?)..
that joke did the rounds when IE 5 came out around that time when Mir was decommissioned.