WHAT FAR-FLUNG destinations should you visit for the first time this year (finances permitting of course)?
These days, it can be very easy to purchase cheap flights abroad, and with hotels trying to entice more customers, it can be quite cheap to pay for a few nights in a nice location. Plus, almost everyone has a friend living abroad who would be glad to offer a couch to kip on.
Even if you can’t make it to another country – because how many of us can really afford numerous holidays a year? – you can daydream by browsing Flickr for photos, Youtube for videos and sites such as Trip Advisor for a quick mental trip abroad.
Here, we take a look at 15 places you really should discover this year – whatever way you can. The locations come from a recent TripAdvisor survey, where its readers voted for their favourite destinations on the rise.
Let us know in the comments if you have visited any of them – and which one is your favourite.