HAWKE AND CO is a US clothing brand, selling expensive outdoor gear “for the modern explorer”.
However, customer Christian Conti was not satisfied with his retail experience. So he tweeted at them.
They replied by throwing a giant truckload of shade all over his Twitter presence.
Conti responded in pretty good humour.
But Hawke and Co’s response began to go viral.
Big Bang Theory producer Bill Prady shared it with his 180,000 followers, and asked people to retweet it. Author Neil Gaiman also retweeted it to his two million followers.
Soon, it was being shared all over the place.
Hawke and Co deleted their tweet. But they told people who complained to them that they were “keeping it real”.
Also that it was a “social experiment”.
It all got pretty awkward, pretty fast.
Then they tried to draw things to a close with a cheerful message.
It didn’t go well.