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Dublin: 10 °C Sunday 23 March, 2025

9 of your childhood toys and what they look like now

Oh how things have changed.

WITH THE TOY show tonight, we decided to have a look back at the toys we all knew and loved–and what horrors have been inflicted upon them ever since.

1. Polly Pocket

Who didn’t have a Polly Pocket, even if it was just a stray Polly figure they found lying on the ground. Ahem.

il_570xN.625996460_qbsp Source: Etsy

Look at her now! Where’s the pocket gone?

K8359a Source: Thetoypallet

2. Power Rangers

Go go guys.

powerranger Source: club90s

Now? They’re just menacing. We don’t want the red ranger any-more because he will probably kill us.

pTRU1-16977870enh-z6 Source: Toysrus

3. Furby

WEEEEEEEEEE. Yes, these nightmarish robots that had a nasty habit of flashing on, even after you’ve taken the batteries out. Shudder.

furby010 Source: Lifeofdebby

They look like this now. They’re diversifying, be afraid.

Furby2012Purple Source: Hasbro

4. Hungry Hippos

Ah, it was a simpler time.

hungryhungryhippos Source: Persephonemagazine

Now, they’re getting a lot hungrier…

100158 Source: Smyths

5. Puppy in my pocket

Puppies… that fit in your pocket. A USP with endless potential in the toy market, it would seem.

puppy_in_my_pocket_2 Source: Animaltoyforum

They come in families now, and don’t sit on stupid pillows any-more. Perhaps an actual upgrade.

content_left_momsbabies Source: Inmypocket

6. My Little Pony

There’s no place like pony-land.

90328-41 Source: Donna's Collectibles

They have WINGS now, would you be able?

STK469798 Source: Toychestnews

7. Teenage mutant ninja turtles

Heroes in a half-shell, TURTLE POWER. Look at them there, so playful, so innocent.

4923501705_eaa9f5f357_b-630x471 Source: zioadams

Now? ARGH.

New-Teenage-Mutant-Ninja-Turtle-Action-Figures Source: Hitfix

8. Gloworms


enhanced-buzz-6125-1386817000-0 Source: eBay

At least it looks less stoned.

41D8QW1tUkL Source: Amazon

9. Care Bears

The fluffy friends of our youth.

glcksbrchi-1406837909ngk84 Source: Erinnerstdudich

Now they look like they got some facial implants and it’s just all very upsetting.

JPP_2059 Source: actionfigureinsider

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