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Dublin: 5 °C Friday 28 February, 2025

Families are filming teenagers' meltdowns after getting One Direction tickets for Christmas

THAT moment.

ONE DIRECTION ARE touring in 2015. This means a lot of lucky teenagers got tickets to see them for Christmas.

And in many cases, their family members were there to film the youngsters’ reactions as they opened them.

Basically, you have to scream. A lot.

Crying and expressing your undying love is also an option.

Source: steocassidy12/YouTube

Or some kind of combination of the two.

Source: HeyItsChloBo/YouTube

Feel free to run out of the room, if it feels right.

Or just be struck silent with emotion.

Source: Calsie Penzien/YouTube

If necessary, hide your face while weeping.

Source: Georgia Middlebrook/YouTube

But mainly, scream.

Congratulations to all!

h/t Buzzfeed

More: Here’s what the panic for One Direction tickets was like around Ireland>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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