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Dublin: 10 °C Saturday 22 March, 2025

What to watch on TV tonight: Monday

Here are the shows that’ll be on your Twitter timeline later.

Image: RTÉ

Every lunchtime, rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow. 

We Need to Talk About Porn (RTÉ 1, 9.35pm)

The first of the two part documentary about the scale and impact of porn in modern Ireland. The programme will ask questions such as, who watches porn, how often, how available is it, and how quick can you delete your browsing history? DEFINITELY one to watch with the parents. Think of the craic.

The Undateables (Channel 4, 9pm)

A new series of the questionable Channel 4 documentary following the dating lives of a group of singletons with disabilities as they attempt to find love. Tonight, Alex who has autism will meet Eloise, and stammerer Matthew is looking for the one. Awkward, funny, and sweet all at once.

Donal MacIntyre Breaking Crime (TV 3, 9pm)

The crime journalist examines youth crime and its causes and effects on the wider community. This week, he’s in Limerick. It’s already causing some controversy after claims it paints the city in a bad light.


Everyone’s talking about… Charlie

The much-anticipated three-part drama about former Taoiseach Charles Haughey began last night. It’s still the number 1 trending topic on Twitter in Ireland.

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The nation was divided, but mostly, there were too many Love/Hate actors recycled and dodgy wigs in circulation.

Still, no arguing with those viewing figures.


Or switch over for…

Nips, Tucks and Tattoos (Channel 4, 10pm) Katie Piper takes a look at extreme body modification and the people who regret it.

How to be Happy (RTÉ 1, 11.20pm) Based on her book Flourishing, psychologist Maureen Gaffney will show you how to be happier than a Pharrell music video.

Raising Helen (RTÉ 2, 9pm) Kate Hudson is self absorbed, gets stuck with three kids and falls in love with Aidan from Sex and the City. Joy.

Broadchurch (UTV , 9pm) New series! Get on it.

Rich, Russian and Living in London (BBC 2, 9pm) Prepare to be jealous.

Here’s how Twitter reacted to the first episode of Charlie>

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