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Dublin: 6 °C Monday 17 March, 2025

Obama gave his State of the Union, but this guy in the audience is all anyone can talk about

State of the audience.

Source: AP/Press Association Images

US PRESIDENT Barack Obama, leader of the free world, gave his annual landmark State Of The Union address yesterday.

He delivered some top-drawer zingers, like this one about his election victories.

But the internet’s reaction was largely based around the sight of THIS GUY in the audience.

There was widespread speculation that he was an actual, genuine, Founding Father of the United States of America from 1776.

Thomas Jefferson Source: Wikipedia

Perhaps in some kind of time-travel type arrangement.

(ref: bofa)

There was also widespread speculation that he may, in fact, have been the Quaker Oats guy.

Or renowned brewer and patriot Sam Adams.

Or Rachel Dratch from Saturday Night Live.

The man is actually US Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz. He’s quite important.

And the incredible strength of his eyebrow game did not escape notice.

Essentially, this was the whole internet.

More: Barack Obama’s State of the Union address last night was unexpectedly feisty>

Explainer: How Twitter went into meltdown over Obama’s choice of suit>

From last year: Joe Biden completely stole Obama’s State of the Union thunder>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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