THE NEW EDITION of Irish institution Old Moore’s Almanac has been released for 2014. And as ever, we are most interested in its predictions for the year ahead.
Here’s what the mysterious minds at Old Moore’s believe is in store. How many d’you think will prove true?
1. Good tracts of sun in summer, a good year to have a “staycation” at home in Ireland.
2. 3D Printers will become more mainstream, and a “food-printer café” will open experimentally.
3. There will be a lot of news about the resurrection of extinct species. The woolly mammoth and sabre-tooth tiger will be named, as well as types of resurrected food, which will be dubbed “ghostfood”.
4. Miley Cyrus will go for a softer, more feminine look, and she will crash mid-year. She will need some time to recuperate and her money is in danger of being invested badly.
5. The price of food is about to go crazy. There will be food riots in some countries.
6. There will be drama around the new World Trade Centre.
7. Shanghai Tower will have a weather-related problem that will need fixing.
8. Drugs to prevent obesity with real promise enter the market. There will be new exercise equipment that you sit or stand in, which stimulates the muscles to achieve the same effect as physical exercise.
9. Separate body parts will be cloned for organ transplants; not an entire body.
10. A drama for Air Force One, but Obama is not on board.
11. Hilary will make preparations to run for president.
12. Obama will write a book
13. Saoirse Ronan will get engaged.
14. More islands will appear from earthquakes.
15. A baby for Chelsea Clinton.
16. Simon Cowell will become deeply spiritual… what?
17. Virtual reality will make a comeback with games technology, and 3D entertainment without glasses will be mind-blowing.
18. The FIFA World Cup in Brazil will see riots. FIFA referees will be in the news, but also the technology used in the game will impress us.
19. The first lunar tourists will be chosen.
20. An orbital hotel will start construction.
21. UK politician Nick Clegg will have a huge tantrum or resign.
22. Bad year for Donald Trump, couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
23. President Michael D. Higgins may be forced to retire.
24. A pill to prevent sunburn comes to market, based on biomimicry of coral.
25. A second pregnancy for Brian O’Driscoll and Amy Huberman.
26. There will be a cosmetic surgery boom all over the world.
27. There will be some sort of boat/shipping tragedy at sea off the coast of Ireland.
28. Teleportation of tiny organisms is a success.
29. The Vatican will have a much better year than the previous years, especially because “lost” pages of the Bible are found.
30. North Korea will open up to foreign investment, and unification with South Korea will be discussed. The phrase “oil crash” will be all over the news.
Want to share any of your own predictions? Leave ‘em in the comments…