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Dublin: 3 °C Thursday 27 February, 2025

Here is why people are talking about this Irish Times 'whimfs' article

You big whimf.

JUST WHEN YOU thought your pretty little head didn’t have any more room in your brain for acronyms or abbreviations, The Irish Times goes and invents a new one.

Introducing “whimf”.

According to The Irish Times, a whimf is a “white heterosexual Irish male in his forties”. Writing in today’s paper, Paddy Logue outlines the challenges that come with being a whimf.


Among other things, he discusses the media’s representation of men as “useless and incompetent” and writes that “gender quotas are not a victimless crime”.

Whether it’s serious, satire or an act of deliberate trolling, the article has prompted a flurry of discussion on Twitter this afternoon.

Some people are unsure as to whether or not it’s satire

Some people don’t know what it is full stop

There was second-hand embarrassment

And there were gags made at its expense


Some people just wanted Michael Harding back

Whimf, whimf, whimf

Meanwhile, Trinity News penned a response to the article

In her response, Naoise Dolan of Trinity News wrote rather pointedly on the subject of male privilege.

Feel free to point out instances of undeserved privilege. But please don’t ever say it in a way that makes me feel my privilege is undeserved. Please don’t, while you’re at it, ever point out that the sky is blue; it might make me feel as though the sky is blue.


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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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