THE AMERICAN COLLEGE basketball championships (also known as March Madness) has been a trying time for a lot of basketball fans.
First, there was the world’s saddest piccolo player, who played on despite her team’s devastating loss.
Now, there’s this Wisconsin Badgers fan, who was spotted looking very sombre just moments after they narrowly lost to Duke University, 68-63.
It gets even sadder when you realise that he was somehow separated from the rest of the Teletubby pack:
And lo, just like the Sad Piccolo Player before him, the Sad Teletubby meme was born.
There have been mean, mean jokes
You guys just leave him alone!
There have been the inevitable sad song edits
He has been inserted into other devastating moments
And been lumped in with other memes
But most importantly, there has been solidarity
Poor guy. Don’t worry. We’re here for you, Sad Teletubby.