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Dublin: 12 °C Saturday 8 March, 2025

'Yuccies' are the new hipsters -- here's what you need to know

Hipsters are no passé.

hip Source: Christopher Michel/Flickr

IF YOU LOVE to make fun of hipsters, we have some bad news for you as your days might be numbered.

Yesterday, Mashable published an article called “The hipster is dead, and you might not like who comes next”.

What’s next, you ask?

Introducing the ‘yuccie’ — a fun abbreviation for “young urban creatives”.

As writer David Infante explains, yuccies are educated urban dwellers working nonsense jobs and trying to make lots of money from said nonsense jobs.

They’re social consultants coordinating #sponsored Instagram campaigns for lifestyle brands; they’re brogrammers hawking Uber for weed and Tinder for dogs; they’re boutique entrepreneurs shilling sustainably harvested bamboo sunglasses.

In other words, a yuccie will spend way too much money on anything that describes itself as artisanal, devote a lot of time to “curating” his/her Instagram and shite on about Copenhagen whenever he/she gets the chance.

Still confused as to how hipsters are different from yuccies?

Here’s a good working definition.

Yuccies are the cultural offspring of yuppies and hipsters.We’re intent on being successful like yuppies and creative like hipsters.

The article has caused quite a stir with not everyone excited for the rise of the yuccie.

It’s prompted much reflection.

And some are coming to terms with the fact that they themselves may in fact be yuccies.

It looks like it’s already starting to catch on as some enterprising Redditor has created a yuccie subreddit.

yuccie Source: Reddit

God help us all.

This Dublin restaurant’s job posting included one very important stipulation >

11 of the fastest growing hipster names in Ireland >

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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