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Dublin: 7 °C Monday 24 February, 2025

17 of the greatest YouTube comments ever typed

How DO we know you’re not a giant?

1. This piercing scepticism

Source: Imgur

2. This remark

Source: Imgur

3. This comment speaking for all humanity

Source: Imgur

4. This observation

Source: Imgur

5. This incredible meta-Rickroll

Source: Tumblr

6. This innovative plan

Source: reddit

7. This comment-on-a-comment

Source: Tumblr

(OK, this is partially from Tumblr. Let us away with it?)

8. Eileen

Source: Imgur

9. This near thing

Source: Imgur

10. This cruel injustice

Source: Imgur

11. This killer advice

Source: Imgur

12. This response thread

Source: Imgur

13. This expert level mariner-spotting

Source: Imgur

14. This refreshing fruit-based honesty

Source: Imgur

15. This friendly professional inquiry

Source: Imgur

16. This innocent compliment to Roger

Source: Imgur

17. And this blistering takedown

Source: Imgur

This post is indebted to whoamiyouask and whoohwhocanibe on Imgur, and r/youtubecomments.

More: The 18 funniest Irish YouTube videos of the last decade>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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