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Dublin: 7 °C Monday 24 February, 2025

Dominos Garlic And Herb Dip: A Celebration Of Its Saucy Goodness

Can you marry a sauce?

This should have been done years ago! #thebigdip #dominos #dominospizza #dominosgarlicandherbdip Source: h3v87


A pizza institution. A dip so popular that they made a bumper version called The Big Dip. An essential component in any Dominos experience.

This is what I have been waiting for #itsabouttime #dominos #dominosgarlicandherbdip #thebigdip #omg #pizza Source: hawkinsbitesize

These crusts were made for dippin'. That's just what they do. #Dominos #Pizza #GarlicandHerbDip #BigDip Source: dominos_uk

Wars are waged over it

Smugglers take chances with it

Already broke being 100% vegan after visiting @dominos_uk .. Source: fitcaligirlinuni

Tears are shed over it

Yes me and Murray are fatties and got a dominos at this time but look at the size of this dip! Im in heaven Source: sarahrattray93

They can’t get enough

#ChickenKickers #dominos #nomnom #ukstyle #spicy #garlicandherbsauce Source: bushbaby345

They’re insatiable

What #biscuit jars were REALLY made for. Double tap if you have a #GarlicandHerbDip stash like @luluhime. #Dominos #Pizza #Regram Source: dominos_uk

The emotions are palpable

Need lol ✌ #studentlife #dominos #notsofitfam #unhealthypost #garlicandherb #garlicandherbdip #shouldmakethis #bestever #pizza #lol #fat #whydontthey #rubbishfood Source: charleylharvey94

We love you Dominos Garlic and Herb Dip.

Poll: Which McDonald’s sauce is the best sauce>

Domino’s gave this man a year of free pizza for his admirable honesty>

11 people who live and die by the Dominos pizza tracker>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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