Us neither.
But Stephanie Smith, a New York Post entertainment reporter, has embarked on such a quest to get her boyfriend of just over a year to put a ring on it.
Her reasoning? After she made him a particularly delicious sandwich, he told her: “You’re like, 300 sandwiches away from an engagement ring.”
Unlike most women, who would have probably told him to get on his bike, Stephanie relished the challenge (pardon the pun) – 300 sandwiches, in exchange for a marriage proposal.
She started a blog to document her progress to married bliss, one sandwich at a time, sometimes three times a day, even after a hard night’s work:
Even after covering movie premieres or concerts…I found myself stumbling into the kitchen to make Eric a sandwich while I still had on my high heels and party dress.
Boyfriend is obviously A-OK with her slaving away, because hey, 300 sandwiches.
How she’s gotten this far is anyone’s guess, but as of today Stephanie has made her boyfriend 177 sandwiches – that’s just 123 left, or approximately 246 slices of bread for her to butter until she reaches her goal.
Naturally, the whole “woman, make me a sandwich” aspect hasn’t been lost on most of the internet, and an alternate hashtag #300feministsandwiches has been created.
Here are some of the feminist-themed sandwich names people have come up with:
Best of luck to Stephanie on her quest for the engagement ring. She’ll need it.