LOOK, WE ALL know there’s no major difference between 29 and 30.
It’s not like you wake up on your 30th birthday and barely recognise the person you were the night before.
What does happen, however, is that you suddenly come to terms with the questionable thoughts and interests which have been creeping in over recent years – thoughts and interests you couldn’t openly commit to as a person in their 20s.
Indeed, the main sign that you’re coming to terms with life in your 30s is that you’re much more vocal about what you do and don’t like.
In other words, you enjoy a sensible shoe, and aren’t as pushed on Snapchat.
And then there’s all this.
1. You appreciate a coat with a hood…
…and now you actually buy one.
2. You like to hear what your friends are saying in the pub…
…but now you actually admit it.
3. You save your money…
…and don’t dip into the account every 20 minutes.
4. You accept that your free-time often involves mundane tasks…
…and no longer fight that fact.
5. You make note of physical ailments…
…and actually schedule a doctor’s appointment in order to remedy them.
6. You notice damp in your apartment…
…and make in-roads about getting it sorted.
7. You ask your mates for recommendations for medical practitioners…
…and not nightclubs.
8. You question the clothes in your previously favourite stores…
…and don’t actually try to force yourself into them.
9. You have conversations with your mother about household items…
…and vaguely enjoy it.
10. You regularly adopt the ‘Sunday well spent brings a week of content’ approach…
…and not just once every few months because you were off the booze the night before.
11. You barely know a single artist in the charts…
…and no longer lie about it.
12. You toy with the idea of starting a pension plan…
…but decide to put it off until you’re 40.
You’re not there yet.