IN TODAY’S MINI-INTERVIEW with an ABSOLUT Fringe 2011 figure, we throw five rapid-fire questions at Shane Langan from comedy collective Diet of Worms.
Their show, CULT, is at the Lir Theatre from tomorrow to Friday at 9pm and on Saturday at 2.30pm and 9pm.
Shane Langan, tell us about your ABSOLUT Fringe:
Describe your show to TheJournal.ie’s readers in 20 words:
CULT is a comedy about five people who get “left below” after their entire cult ascends to a utopian planet.
Do you have any special rituals you just have to carry out before a performance/reading/exhibition?
We all have different ways of getting ready to go on stage. Some of us dance around, utterly relaxed, while others will sit in the corner on the floor, quietly rocking back and forth popping Imodium tablets.
What’s the best/worst audience reaction you’ve ever had to your work?
We once did a show as part of a college’s fresher’s week in Cork. But it wasn’t in a theatre or anything sensible like that. It was on this big podium platform in the middle of their common area atrium. The room had a four or five second echo delay and we got repeatedly shushed by the participants of the Pro Evolution Soccer tournament that was taking place simultaneously right beside the stage.
What/who do you recommend we go see at Absolut Fringe 2011?
We’re going to fly the comedy flag and highly recommend that you go see Eleanor Tiernan’s show ‘Rogue’, as well as the List Operators and David O’Doherty.
What has inspired you or made you happy today?
Two soluble headache tablets have so far made my morning. It’s been one of those days today.