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5 questions for the Fringe: Paul Reid

Each day for the 16 days of ABSOLUT Fringe 2011 in Dublin, we quiz the creatives on how they work, why they work – and their tips for the festival.

Paul Reid in Man of Valour
Paul Reid in Man of Valour
Image: ABSOLUT Fringe 2011

IN TODAY’S MINI-INTERVIEW with an ABSOLUT Fringe 2011 figure, we throw five rapid-fire questions at actor Paul Reid.

Perhaps more familiar to many as Dylan in RTE drama RAW, Reid has co-written and stars in Man of Valour, which is garnering rave reviews on the Fringe. The Corn Exchange-produced show is playing at the Samuel Beckett Theatre in Trinity at 8.30pm every night until Saturday, 24 September.

Paul Reid, tell us about your ABSOLUT Fringe:

Describe your show to TheJournal.ie’s readers in 20 words:

A kind of one-man action movie and film noir thriller, all rolled up into an 80-minute punch.

Do you have any special rituals you just have to carry out before a performance/reading/exhibition?

Putting on the white face make-up is avritual in itself. I might listen to a playlist I make for the show and I speed read through the script and a few other little habits that are too weird to tell you about.

What’s the best/worst audience reaction you’ve ever had to your work?

The best was we got a standing ovation after our first preview of Man Of Valour in Cork. The worst thing was, I didn’t know as I couldn’t really hear the reaction or see it. (Because of the make up, lights and sweat in my eyes!). So I shuffled blindly off the stage, in my head, a failure. Haha!

What/who do you recommend we go see at Absolut Fringe 2011?

The Year of Magical Wanking, Luca and the Sunshine, The Flamboyant Bird, Twenty Ten, Follow, Jumping off the Earth and so much more I can’t think of right now. I also like just coming across other new shows and companies which is what the Fringe is all about for me.

What has inspired you or made you happy today?

Seeing a really old couple laughing their heads off. They were probably on medication, but it was still nice.

Nutshell review: Man of Valour>

Read more of TheJournal.ie’s ABSOLUT Fringe coverage here>

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