EVERY WEEKDAY MORNING, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the best of the day’s celebrity dirt from the top to the very bottom.
Yesterday, it was announced that 50 Cent had filed for bankruptcy and Twitter erupted. But at least the rapper seems to be taking the whole thing in good humour.
Yesterday, the rapper posted a photo of himself posing with a small car and it was captioned…
Times are hard out here LMAO
The rapper filed for bankruptcy yesterday and reported that he had debts in the region of $10 million and $50 million. The move came just days after a jury ruled he had to pay a woman $5 million in a separate sex tape case.
That’s not to say he’s completely broke, though — TMZ reports that the rapper was spotted on a red carpet with dollar bills visible in his pocket.
So now.
You may recall last week when Justin Bieber posted a photo of his bare arse on Instagram. It caused quite a stir on the internet and caused Beliebers everywhere to demand Justin Bieber “turn around”.
But now, Bieber has apologised for the photo and removed it.
Instead he posted a photo of himself fully clothed and wrote:
Hey I Deleted the photo of my butt on Instagram not because I thought it was bad but someone close to me’s daughter follows me and she was embarrassed that she saw my butt and I totally wasn’t thinking in that aspect. And I felt awful that she felt bad. To anyone I may have offended I’m so sorry. It was completely pure hearted as a joke but didn’t take in account there are littles following me!!! Love u guys
TL;DR: Justin Bieber’s arse selfie was “pure hearted” but not suitable for children.
The more you know. (Instagram)
Amy Schumer, Bill Hader and Judd Apatow are coming to Dublin! The trio will be in Dublin next month for a special screening of the romantic comedy, Trainwreck.
The screening was announced this morning by Universal Pictures Ireland and will take place on August 14th in Dublin’s Savoy Cinema.
The mission to make Amy Schumer our best friend begins now.
And the rest of the day’s dirt…
- Vogue Williams is filming a new show in the US. (Goss.ie)
- Ben Affleck has officially taken the wedding ring off. RIP, love. (US Weekly)
- Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie ate a sandwich in Subway, can you believe it? (Daily Mail)
Justin Bieber has defended Kylie Jenner in an Instagram row over braids. (E!)
- Gwyneth Paltrow thinks you’ve been yawning wrong. (DailyEdge.ie)