EVERYONE IS GETTING more social media aware – some more than others it would seem. These are some weird gifts you can buy for the social media freak in your life:
Shitter – With the tagline, “Social media has never been so disposable” and faeces for an icon, Shitter takes your Twitter feeds and prints them on four rolls of toilet paper. The rolls cost $35 plus shipping and are created by Australian entrepreneurs David Gillespie, Matthew Delprado and Johny Mair. Yes, it took three of them to come up with that.
‘Like’ T-Shirt – This t-shirt is for that person that ‘likes’ every single post they see on their Facebook wall.
Twitter cushions – For that social media junkie that lives their life through Twitter – now they can even relax on their couch with their Twitter cushions as they tweet.
Social Media mug – While you’re away from your Facebook friends, you don’t have to feel like you are. With this mug from crowdedink.com you can feel like you are on Facebook chat while you’re drinking your tea.
@TwitterName necklace - This necklace is like your very own brand name around your neck. If anything else it might increase your followers?
Canvas for your Instagram photos – This is one great way to get your Instagram photos off your phone and onto the walls. Canvaspop.com say their service is quick and easy and they are the first company to specialise in printing your Instagram photos on canvas.