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6 super-rich people who say 'tax me more'

Higher taxes for higher earners – what a silly thought, right? But some of the world’s richest are in agreement.

Wealthy willing to give up the cash?
Wealthy willing to give up the cash?
Image: (Image via Flickr/401K)

HORROR WRITER Stephen King has said “tax me more”. Condemning America’s tax system, he called for an increase in the country’s tax on the rich.

Writing an article for The Daily Beast the bestselling author scolds the super rich – including himself and Mitt Romney – adding that rich people donating their money “doesn’t go far enough”.

Stephen King currently pays taxes of around 28 per cent on his income. At a recent rally in Florida he questioned publicly why he was not paying a higher rate of 50 per cent. He was told to simply “cut a cheque and shut up”. He said that he and his wife gives $4 million to libraries, fire departments, schools and arts organisations.

The writer said it is a topic he won’t be quiet about:

Tired of hearing about it…tough s*** for you guys, because I’m not tired of talking about it.

He is just the latest of the wealthy to state that he would be happy to pay more. Here is a round-up of some of the other rich faces that say it is only right to give more if you have more:

Warren Buffett – Millionaire heavy-weight Buffett is one of the wealthy who is also endorsing that the rich pay more. The New York Times reports that Buffett said “I don’t believe in dynastic wealth,” calling those who grow up in wealthy circumstances “members of the lucky sperm club.” He wrote an article in The New York Times called “Stop coddling the super-rich” in which he argued that he and his rich friends had not felt any sacrifice yet.

When they did the asking, they spared me. I checked with my mega-rich friends to learn what pain they were expecting. They, too, were left untouched.

(Via YouTube/)

President Obama tried to introduce the ‘Buffett Rule‘ this year, a proposal that would see the country’s wealthiest pay at least 30 per cent of their income in taxes. The legislation was a key talking point in his re-election campaign.

(Via YouTube/)

Senate Republicans voted to block the measure calling it an election year gimmick. Their Democratic counterparts insist it’s all about fairness.

Eli Broad – Self-made billionaire Broad, who has a net worth of $6.3 billion, weighed in on Buffett’s call for the US government to raise taxes on the rich. Forbes Magazine reports Broad said “Those of us who have gained great success have an obligation to pay more taxes…we’ve been coddled long enough and have tax breaks that 99.9 per cent of the public don’t have, and it’s not fair.”

(AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

Michael O’Leary - The Ryanair boss says that he would be happy to pay higher taxes – however only up to a certain point. He argued that high marginal rates above 60 per cent would encourage people like him to become tax exiles which he said would damage the economy.

According to the Irish Independent, O’Leary said: “Anybody earning under €50,000 should pay 10 per cent tax. If you’re earning under €100,000, you pay 25 per cent and anybody earning over €100,000 pays 50 per cent. I’m one of the largest taxpayers in the country and I have no problem paying 50 per cent of my income in tax.”

(Sasko Lazarov/ Photocall Ireland)

Daniel Radcliffe – Harry Potter himself is in favour of a more equal society stating in The Guardian that he thinks those that have more should pay more. “I think, if you make a lot more money than most people – like I do – you should pay more tax and subsidise people who work just as hard as you, but don’t earn as much.”

(Doug Peters/Doug Peters/EMPICS Entertainment)

Chris Rock – The American comedian, who is said to have a net worth of $70 million, said paying more taxes will ultimately save jobs and that is something he is for. Speaking in an interview he comments that paying higher taxes is dealing with reality that people are in trouble.

(Via YouTube/)

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