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7 deadly ways to pimp your phone

Take my money! All of it!

1. The iPhoneBooster

This eco-friendly amplifier uses no electricity and looks pretty nifty sitting on the sideboard.

YouTube/Vinnie Veen

2. Han Solo iPhone case

Image: GeekAlerts.com

3. Virtual keyboard


4. Microscope for iPhone



5. The Tōd

Ever wish you could just ring your keys, or the remote, or the cat? The Tōd allows you to do that… kind of. You attach one to the thing you want to track, and an app on your smartphone locates it within a 100m radius.

This device is still in development after a successful Kickstarter project. Put us on the waiting list. NOW.


6. A wrist charger

Sick of your smartphone always running out of battery? Well then this stylish wrist charger might be just the thing for you.

You charge it through your computer and then dazzle your friends by revealing it from beneath your sleeve.


7. A joystick for your iPhone

Because obviously we want the latest in smartphone techonology, but we also want to be able to relive our childhoods.

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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