FERGIE IS HAVING a baby everyone! Not that boring Duchess of York silly, the singer from the Black Eyed Peas.
She’s having her first child with actor hubby Josh Duhamel (of the low budget indie flick Transformers) which we’re sure is very exciting for them.
Of course as a hugely successful star both with the Black Eyed Peas and solo there is much to learn from Fergie’s musical journey.
Here are the life lessons Fergie’s future child can learn from their mother’s own career.
Start Young
Fergie didn’t just start out shaking her lady lumps with the Black Eyed Peas.
One of her first big roles was on the musical TV show Kids Incorporated.
Fergie was on the show from 1984 – 1989 and started when she was only 9 years old.
Obviously it was all very inspiring.
Sometimes Fergie got to do the Loco-motion (please note a 0:16 secs in how far the mic away from her mouth the mic is.)
KidsIncorporated / YouTube
Sometimes she was obviously working too hard and using this song to send an SOS to viewers:
KidsIncorporated / YouTube
But the important thing is to always Go For It. Just like this song says:
ShelliStuart / YouTube
Always talk about it
Fergie was actually in a not-so successful girl group called Wild Orchid long before she was in the Black Eyed Peas.
They were never particularly successful but one of their hits was called Talk To Me.
Which is something Fergie will always be able to sing to her child if they ever need to y’know, talk.
Also let’s talk about Fergie’s huge giant blonde hair in this video. Good god.
danceradio / YouTube
Or just Shut Up
Of course the Black Eyed Peas are where Fergie made her mark. On the off chance her child is annoying her she can just play this:
BlackEyedPeasVevo /YouTube
Finding things
Sometimes Fergie needs some help searching for things. Did herself and the rest of the band ever in fact find the love?
BlackEyedPeasVevo /YouTube
At the very least, Fergie will be able to direct her future child to where “lady lumps” are located.
Spoiler alert: They are in the back and in the front.
BlackEyedPeasVevo /YouTube
Don’t forget your heritage
Fergie was part of the cast of the musical Nine which was something of a box office bomb.
Her key number however is an important reminder to her future kids to always remember their roots.
Particularly if they are Italian:
tazmanko / YouTube
And who could forgot her seminal (ahem) anthem (ahem) Glamorous?
It’s an inspiring tale of always remember your roots even when you’re loaded.
Sample lyric:
I still go to Taco Bell / Drive Thru / Raw as hell
Absolutely Fergie. Absolutely.
FergieVevo / YouTube
Unisex fashion guidance
We don’t know the sex of Fergie’s baby but we’ve found some strong fashion choices that she can share with the child.
So strong in fact that they are totally unisex.
Why not rock some creepy talons? Great for clawing anyone who messes with you in the playground:
Richard Drew/AP/Press Association Images
A blazer and sunglasses on the red carpet is timeless:
Suzan/EMPICS Entertainment
And don’t ever underestimate the power of a good hat Future Fergie Spawn:
Doug Peters/Doug Peters/EMPICS Entertainment
Mom’s Legacy
Of course when Fergie’s child begins to ask their mum about her glittering career she can tell them that she was involved with one of the most infuriating pop singles of all time.
Lucky her:
BlackEyedPeasVevo / YouTube