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8 novelty gifts we would actually like to receive

Novelty gifts can get a bad rap, but we have found some you simply shouldn’t do without…

GIFT-GIVING CAN be a tricky business but, sometimes, it’s just as hard to receive a present.

Ask any father who has been forced to marvel over ‘Best Dad’ socks or lucky mother with a brand new apron - a little thought can go a long way.

Bearing in mind that good gifts can be a bit of fun, we’ve put together a wish-list of novelty presents that will make you, and the recipient, smile.

Misfortune cookies

Fortune cookies are all very well and good… and, well, therein lies the problem.

If you really want to mess with someone, we suggest inviting them for a nice Chinese dinner and arming yourself with crackers bearing messages of a bleaker nature. Sneak one of these beauties onto their plate at the end of the meal, sit back, and enjoy.

via ThinkGeek.com

Rubik’s coasters

There are no words…

Except: AWESOME.

via Think Geek


This may just help you realise your ambition to become the James Bond of the sea and it will confuse your fellow-swimmers. Win-win.

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Self-stirring mug

It’s 2012. Don’t be a chump that stirs his own tea.

via iwantoneofthose.com

Plectrum maker

Never be caught short when in need: make your own plectrums.

via iwantoneofthose.com


You will need a little extra space for this novelty gift but it’s worth it. Obviously.

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80s retro iPhone case

This will amuse your (old) friends and also help to educate youngsters about the first days of the mobile telephone.

Once they’ve gotten over the fact that people used to carry around bricks the size of their own heads for communication purposes, you can tell them all about pay phones. (They won’t believe you.)

via Amazon.com

Beer tracker

This handy gadget not only opens bottles but also keeps track how many brewskies you’re sinking. Very handy… and possibly illuminating for certain individuals.

via BlessThisStuff.com

8 terrible Mother’s Day gifts>

8 terrible Father’s Day gifts>

80s Retro iPhone Case

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