WELCOME TO DAILYEDGE.IE’s inaugral Academy Awards liveblog.
Sinéad O’Carroll and Emer McLysaght will be bringing you all the glamour of Hollywood with the eloquence of Miley from Glenroe. We prepared for this overnighter with a few daytime naps and a lot of staring at Ben Affleck’s impeccable beard. That won’t be the last you hear of that tonight.
We hope you can stay awake with us. We have an emergency wine supply in case Ann Hathaway announces she’s pregant during someone else’s acceptance speech, or if Ben Affleck arrives without his beard. Imagine.
Please come talk to us (really, please?) – in the comments section, by email at either sinead@thejournal.ie or emer@dailyedge.ie or on Twitter, @dailyedge_ie, @sineadocarroll and @emerthescreamer.
Now. To the frocks…