THE PROOF IS in the pictures.
1. He has the Stately Pose down
The Queen is still trying to teach this one to Cam but one is happy with Larry here.
Image: PA Archive/Press Association Images
2. Patriotism comes easy
He doen’t even need to be told to put on the Union Flag dress – that’s the UK equivalent to Ireland’s green jersey.
Image: Ki Price/PA Wire/Press Association Images
3. He has time for the electorate
And not just on organised photocalls.
Image: PA Archive/Press Association Images
But he’s good at those too
Image: Sang Tan/AP/Press Association Images
4. He has a great relationship with the public service
Even though there have been rocky moments…
They still know who’s boss…”You first, sir!”
Images: Stefan Rousseau/PA Archive/Press Association Images
5. He’s one step ahead at all times
Who did you think tells Sam when someone’s at the door?
Image: Kirsty Wigglesworth/AP/Press Association Images
6. He has real life experience
One wasn’t born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth.
Image: Alastair Grant/AP/Press Association Images
7. He’s not to be f**ked with
Someone is not happy about today’s rain and someone is going to feel his wrath for it. There’s no messin’ with that face.
Image: Sean Dempsey/PA Wire/Press Association Images
8. But he still knows how to let his hair down, when needs be
He’s not going to look silly during important-but-happy events. One can celebrate in a dignified manner.
9. Simply Churchill-ian
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