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The 90s fashion idols we all wanted to be

And maybe even STILL want to be.

AH, THE 90s.

A beautiful time, right? When unabashed cheesy pop was riding high in the charts, deely-boppers were acceptable headgear and no self-respecting Irish person had a clue what a latte even WAS.

It was a special time – and one that will forever live on in our now-ancient hearts, courtesy of these fashion idols.


She DID explain it all. Well, if explanation came in the form of homemade jean-shorts with felt tip pen decoration and bedazzled leather jackets.

And it did. It truly did.

Source: Tumblr

Rayanne Graff

Angela Chases’s sidekick in My So-Call Life – and probably the only person on the face of the planet who ever pulled off stringing tat into her hair.

Source: FashionGrunge 

Kelly Kapowski

The pinnacle. Kelly’s high ponytail, leotards and clashing colours have made a reappearance in recent times. Is it any surprise? The woman is a goddess among Bayside students.

Source: Tumblr

And don’t get us started on Lisa Turtle.

Source: Tumblr

The Spice Girls

Alright, so maybe Geri’s Union Jack dress didn’t take off here like it might have elsewhere, but we definitely have the Spice Girls to thank for the 90s renaissance of pigtails and high kicks.

We have the Spice Girls to thank for the 90s craze of platform shoes, too. Remember those bad boys? Hazardous to wear, but deeply cool.

Source: Doug Peters/EMPICS Entertainment

Cher Horowitz

No, not the ageless crooner, but Alicia Silverstone’s bratty character from Clueless. Way harsh, Tai.

Source: FanPop

And while you’d think that the 90s was all about step haircuts and over-sized denim jackets for the boys, there were SOME fashion icons for the lads. Namely these fellas:


Especially THAT Late Late performance, which bears repeating. And repeating. And repeating. You’ll notice something new each time, promise.

Dungarees, “interesting” haircuts, dodgy hats, and some killer moves.

Source: haribokey

Kurt Cobain

The unassailable and inimitable icon of 90s grunge, the Nirvana frontman. HELLO HELLO HELLO HELLO.

Source: thereal1990s


Justin’s jeans in this photograph have been described by one of my DailyEdge.ie colleague as appearing distinctly “char-grilled”.

Take a look. See? Char-grilled.

Source: AP/Press Association Images

Who were your 90s fashion icons? Air your grief in the comments. 

Read: The boybands we’re glad were left behind in the 90s>

Read: 9 dance crazes we’d dearly love to forget>

About the author:

Fiona Hyde

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