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Family call 911 after angry fat cat holds them hostage

The cat was feline a bit crazy. Ahem.

NOBODY COULD PURR-DICT this terrible event. We’re very lucky it didn’t turn into a catastrophe.

An American father called 911 in desperation after he and his family were held hostage by their fat, angry cat.

According to Fox 12 Oregon, Lux the 22-pound cat attacked the couple’s seven-month-old baby, leaving scratches on her forehead.

luxthecat The perpetrator.

The father, Lee, kicked the cat in response – after which it ‘went over the edge’.

Lee and his partner Teresa retreated to the bedroom with their baby, with the cat charging at them every time they attempted to leave.

In a panic and unable to reach animal control services, Lee called 911 for help.



When the police arrived at the apartment, Lux at first attempted ‘to flee custody’ before being put behind bars in a crate.

The family say the cat has been acting ‘normal’ ever since the ordeal – they haven’t decided if they’ll give him up or not.

Teresa is adamant that any person would do the same thing were they in her position:

It’s only funny when it’s not happening to you. When this happens to you, I assure you, you’ll do the same thing.

She’s probably right. But still…

opy536 Source: PhotoBucket

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