LAST NIGHT, THE country was glued to the referendum debate on The Late Late Show. During the show, and in the hours that followed it, people sent nearly 18,000 tweets using The Late Late Show’s hashtag.
Little did we all know, that over on The Graham Norton Show, Orlando Bloom, Stephen Merchant and Tamsin Greig were joined by a very special surprise guest: a blue bottle.
Graham had just asked Stephen Merchant about his controversial opinion on Lord of the Rings when it all began…
“The problem with Lord of the Rings for me; no disrespect…” Merchant said, prompting Orlando Bloom to jokingly walk off in a strop.
When Orlando Bloom returned to his seat, he informed Stephen that there was a fly drowning in his beer. Orlando grabbed the glass, dunked his finger in, retrieved the fly and flicked it away.
Stephen asked for a new beer, and Graham Norton said he didn’t see the problem with drinking a beer that a fly had been swimming around in.
Nonetheless, Graham pulled the beer away and asked someone off stage to get Stephen a fresh jar. Tamsin pulled the glass back into its old spot for “continuity”, and Graham told them in that case, they should throw the fly back into the glass.
The camera then cut to the fly, who may or may not have been drunk after their little swim.
Yeah. So that’s about as exciting as The Graham Norton show got last night, anyway.