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A message to lads who 'don't like' when girls drink pints

Get over yourselves.

pint Source: Flickr

IT MIGHT BE 2015 and women may have achieved some sort of equality, but it seems we have yet another hurdle to jump.

Reader, we regret to inform you that there are still some lads out there who can’t hack girls drinking pints.

For these poor creatures, the sight of a woman holding a pint is just too much.

It offends their delicate sensibilities.

“It’s just not right,” they say. “In fact, it’s full on dirt.”

To these poor pets, we have something to say — get over it.

This is 2015.

Of course, girls can drink pints. What is this, the middle ages?

Lads, let’s dispell a prevalent myth: alcoholic drinks are not split down the middle into “girly drinks” and “manly drinks”. Alcohol is for everybody.

So, whether a girl likes to knock back three pints of Heineken or nurse a gin and tonic all night, you need to accept that and move on.

Like, you realise the stupidity of what you’re saying, right? It’s as dumb and arbitrary as saying, “I just don’t think girls should eat Yorkies, that’s my opinion.”


Is it that you think our dainty feminine hands can’t hold pints? Because we assure you, they can.

Or is it that your masculinity feels a little threatened?

“But… but… but… I’m a hard man who drinks pints of Hard Man Lager. If this woman is drinking Hard Man Lager, can I truly call myself a Hard Man?”

“It’s wrong” — please elaborate.

We’re not talking about a pig mating with a donkey here, lads. We’re talking about a woman drinking a pint.

Seriously, how do you even survive going out?

Do you bring smelling salts with you in case you faint at the sight of a girl ordering a pint?

“More ladylike to drink half pints.” Hmm, because horsing into pints of Carlsberg is the epitome of gentlemanly behaviour, is it?

In short, chill out. You sound like your Dad.

*drinks pint*

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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