WHERE DO YOU draw the line when it comes to taking private tasks into the public domain.
Is it okay to clean yourself in public? To put on makeup out in the open? To “fix” yourself.
Just how unacceptable are these activities?..
Cutting your fingernails or toenails
via Imgur
Putting on makeup
Picking your nose
Eating smelly food – egg sandwiches in particular
via Flickr/CreativeCommons/Emily Cavalier
Playing music off your phone
Falling asleep
via Flickr/Creative Commons/Guttorm Flatabø
Adjusting yourself
Having loud phone conversations
via Shutterstock.com
Cleaning your ears
via Shutterstock.com
Engaging in PDAs
Taking selfies
What do you think?
Which (if any) of this are unacceptable in public? Or which ones do you do yourself?