IT’S ‘BLUE MONDAY’. So maybe you need reminding that people can be really, really great.
1. The woman who left this note for a couple with a new baby
2. The man who paid for this older lady’s shopping
3. The Tesco employee who made this happen for a cancer patient
4. This man, who spends his lunch breaks reading to someone who can’t
5. This Belfast bus driver’s gesture to a homeless man
6. The guy who left this tip, after talking to a waitress
7. The little girl who wanted to help real animals
8. The motorist who saw another act of kindness, and decided to pay it forward
9. This supermarket cashier’s gesture to a toddler
10. The person who left this note for a new mother, after her stay in hospital
11. The elderly couple who stopped to help a young man tie his tie
12. And, of course, Spar Guy. The biggest hero of all.
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