ALAN LAWRENCE IS a dad of six children – and his adorable family has won the heart of the internet this week.
Why? Well his fifth child Wilwas born with Down Syndrome – and Alan started a blog so that he could make Wil fly.
Yes, Alan has Photoshoped Wil into all sorts of situations, with him happily airborne in each
As he explains on his website That Dad Blog, he wanted to raise awareness about Down Syndrome – especially given October is Down Syndrome awareness month:
I started posting shortly after we learned that our fifth child, Wil, was born with Down Syndrome. What I thought was going to be a trial has become our biggest blessing. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Wil Can Fly!
Every single shot of Wil flying is the most adorable thing ever
Here’s Wil with papa himself
He also posts his #WilCanFly photos to Instagram
And he’s even gone and put the best ones in a calendar, with the proceeds going to charity
Dad of the year candidate, right here <3