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This dad made these adorable photos of his son flying to raise awareness of his condition

Little Wil has Down Syndrome <3

thatdadblog Source: Alan Lawrence

ALAN LAWRENCE IS a dad of six children – and his adorable family has won the heart of the internet this week.

Why? Well his fifth child Wilwas born with Down Syndrome – and Alan started a blog so that he could make Wil fly.

Yes, Alan has Photoshoped Wil into all sorts of situations, with him happily airborne in each

thatdadblog2 Source: That Dad Blog

As he explains on his website That Dad Blog, he wanted to raise awareness about Down Syndrome – especially given October is Down Syndrome awareness month:

I started posting shortly after we learned that our fifth child, Wil, was born with Down Syndrome. What I thought was going to be a trial has become our biggest blessing. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Wil Can Fly!

Every single shot of Wil flying is the most adorable thing ever

dablog Source: That Dad Blog

Here’s Wil with papa himself

wilflies Source: That Dad Blog

He also posts his #WilCanFly photos to Instagram

dadblog Source: That Dad Blog

And he’s even gone and put the best ones in a calendar, with the proceeds going to charity

cover-1024x676 Source: That Dad Blog


Dad of the year candidate, right here <3

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About the author:

David Elkin

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