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7 reasons advent calendars caused so many sibling scraps across Ireland


DECEMBER 1ST MEANS we can open our advent calendars. At long last.

PastedImage-95996 Source: Ianhwatkins

But remember being a child? And having to SHARE?

It was simply inhumane.

If there was more than one kid in the family, it would be outright murder

papadventcalendars41-17-mei Source: Merrytheschristmascollection

 It’s too hard to restrain yourself to eat just one chocolate a day in the first place

Sometimes you didn’t even get chocolate

AH, the good old days

cadbury-advent-calendar-90g-tp_6084977812032978232f Source: Twenga

Now you’re old enough to have one of your own, and all is right with the world

Because as we all know, you’re never too old for an advent calendar


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