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Here's why Aengus MacGrianna is now our favourite newsreader ever

Move over Anne Doyle, apologies Brian Dobson.

Image: GCN / Facebook

WE PROBABLY SHOULDN’T play favourites with Irish newsreaders given that it’s probably quite a tricky job.

But we’ve just read this week’s RTE Guide cover story on Aengus MacGrianna and we have decided that he is in fact our fave of the bunch.

Don’t believe us? There is some great stuff in this piece and we are here to share it with you.

1. Aengus is clearly well read and intelligent

Alongside being described as “witty and self-deprecating” Aengus points out that his life philosophy is:

My bottom line is that quote from Hamlet, “to thine own self be true”

Aengus you are wise and well read and we reckon you should get it as a tattoo like this person:

Juillet Fleur / Tumblr

2. He talks plenty of sense about marriage equality

GLEN (Gay and Lesbian Equality Network) told TheJournal.ie yesterday that Aengus appearing on the cover with his partner Terry is a “symbol of accpetance” and in the article he makes some good points about marriage equality.

Aengus tells the RTÉ Guide

Whatever vows we are taking are going to be the right ones from the start. For us it’s all about equality and while civil partnership gives you all the rights, it’s not marriage

3. Terry proposing to Aengus was very down to earth it seems

A couple of weeks before their interview Terry proposed to Aengus on their patio and Terry says they kept it highbrow after he asked confirming that “We had Prosecco and crisps”.

Perhaps keen to inject some glamour into the proceeding Aegnus then interjects “Canapés Terry! Canapés for God’s sake”.

Aegnus, it’s grand. Let’s not act like crisps aren’t the best way to celebrate everything.

We hope it was a bag of these:

(Pic: Susan Daly/TheJournal.ie)

4. Aengus is not afraid to do a bit of cleaning

While preparing his house for the RTE Guide visit Aengus claims:

I was Molly Mop, cleaning all morning

First of all: Molly Mop is amazing.

Secondly, there’s nothing wrong with keeping your house tidy and we thank Aegnus for speaking out on this crucial issue.

5. He says really lovely things about his mum

Aengus lost his mum at the age of 11 and he says some really insightful things about how that can have an impact on a young child.

I made a couple of conscious decisions: I was going to try and be happy as I could and I was going to try to work and achieve what I wanted from life. I suppose for an 11-year old those were pretty grown-up thoughts

6. He knows how to handle controversy

We all saw this incredible clip of Aengus being caught out on air:

PlaneandCar Crash TV / YouTube

And when it was seen around the world (including being picked up by US TV chat show host Jimmy Kimmel) Aengus could have rightly flipped the lid.

Still he did his best to laugh it all off, apparently telling Terry that “there had been a bit of a boo-boo” at work (which is one way to put it) and that it found him a new audience:

In the supermarket I would get teenagers saying “can we get your photograph” and that would never have happened before

So there you have it, if you want to reach the coveted youth demographic then get a funny video on YouTube pronto.

7. Aengus and Terry have an alpaca  farm

Perhaps the biggest revelation of the whole piece is that Aengus and Terry have their own alpaca farm.

According to the RTE Guide :

Just beyond the back garden it looks more like a scene from Peru, with a herd of alpacas taking the air and the scenery.

Apparently they have “60 or s0″ of the animals that are kept for breeding and wool.

If you don’t believe us there are two helpful snaps to show just how alpaca friendly their home is.

Here we see the lads feeding said alpacas:

via Conor Behan / DailyEdge.ie

And we see another alpaca enjoy some attention from noted alpaca enthusiast Aengus MacGrianna

via Conor Behan / DailyEdge.ie

We are now demanding that RTÉ film a documentary about Aengus and the alpacas immediately.

Ultimately Aengus seems incredibly sound and if he’d let us we’d love to go around to his gaff, eat some crisps and generally be amazed at the 60 plus alpacas roaming around the place.

RTÉ Guide cover ‘a symbol of acceptance’>

Aengus MacGrianna is going on Celebrity Masterchef>

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