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14 things you definitely saw at your local agricultural show every summer

Award-winning cattle.

onwards Source: Bonniconlon Agricultural Show Facebook

SUMMER IS COMING, and that can only mean one thing around the country:

The agricultural shows are starting up. Where you will definitely see:

1. Preparation of cattle backstage hitting professional levels

2. Before they get inspected outside for the competition

silkie2 Source: Kathleen McHugh/Twitter

3. And eventually, the winners being declared in all their glory later in the afternoon

4. Rosettes played a big part in the day out, of course

silkie Source: Dec Gilmore Twitter

5. Whether it was for award-winning vegetables

turnips Source: TeapotBeag/Twitter

6. Or the bake-off, around long before the TV show was even a thing

7. The raffle was an important part of the weekend too – always featuring livestock as a prize

raffle Source: Facebook

8. You’d watch on in wonder as competitions like sheaf throwing took place in front of you

9. But everyone could get involved in the annual tug of war competition

evcert Source: Facebook

You didn’t need sheaf-throwing skills to join in.

10. There was always excellent farm puns

13103387_434703883365201_4246038400829207075_n Source: Facebook/Oldcastle Agricultural Show

11. And events you’d convince your friends to enter “for the craic”

12. Wonderfully constructed gag bales were something to look forward to

13. As were the countless activites that your parents would tell you “not to go near”

wallof Source: ClonFarmer Twitter

14. You went along for the animals and stayed for the craic <3

1934786_415338821968374_5197888112815701752_n Source: Facebook/Oldcastle Agricultural Show

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About the author:

David Elkin

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