AS MASTERFUL AN actor as Aiden Gillen is and as much as we love him, his Game of Thrones accent is sliding all over the shop of late.
Fans are complaining that Littlefinger is going from Oirish to vaguely British and back again.
Gillen recently told GQ that when he was creating the character of Littlefinger, he thought he should sound “patriarchal”:
…like John Huston in Chinatown or a bit Hammer Horror. I also thought that these characteristics should be allowed to shift around from time to time.
Unfortunately the Dublin actor’s vision is translating to a lot of confusion for the viewers, who can’t seem to get to grips with the ever-changing accent. This confusion was especially noticeable in the wake of the latest episode.
A LOT of people think he sounds like Bane from Batman. A lot.
Sounds like Gillen was taking tips from Tom Hardy when he made his cameo in The Dark Knight Rises.
Will he sort it out in the next episode? We live in hope.