This is a fiddle. You won’t be needing one. (land_camera_land_camera on Flickr)
WE CAN SURELY all agree that air guitar is growing a little passé.
With embarrassing dads regularly dressing up to humiliate themselves on the stages of Germany, and also this Alan Partridge video existing, laying down shredwork on the invisible axe just doesn’t have the rebellious appeal it once did.
Plus, it doesn’t really have the native Irish tinge that we crave in all competitive events. But forward to fill that gap in the market steps a new contender: Air Fiddling.
You get the concept, right? It’s like air guitar, but with a fiddle. Good. And its World Championships are being held in Sligo, tomorrow.
Here’s the 2007 winner, Peter Crann:
But the real heavyweight in the world of Air Fiddling is one Amy O’Hara. She’s claimed the title no fewer than three times – 2006, 2010 and 2011. Witness the face of a champion:
Would-be air fiddlers are judged at the Sligo Live 2012 festival by means of the ever-reliable clapometer. And be warned: the standard is “very high”, according to executive producer Rory O’Connor.
Sadly, we haven’t been able to find any video of the Irish competitors in action. But we HAVE sourced this video of something vaguely similar happening in America:
You’re already thinking of signing up, right? Get yourself down to The Model in Sligo tomorrow night. Bring your invisible rosin.