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13 of Aisling Bea's best one-liners from her superb episode of Travel Man

Aisling and Richard Ayoade take Budapest.

OUR VERY OWN Aisling Bea appeared on Travel Man with Richard Ayoade last night.

PastedImage-31381 Source: Channel 4

The pair spent 48 hours in Budapest, where they took in all the sights, took selfies, and drank liquor.


People were loving her

Lena Dunham is on next week? NO

She delivered some excellent moments.

Like when they were making their way up to their hostel rooms

Richard, my bag is SO heavy.


Or when it came to paying the bill in the restaurant

Actually, I’m not feeling very feminist at the moment, can you get this?


Their tour guide didn’t exactly take a liking to her

You might ask why such a small country has such a huge Pariliament…


She wasn’t interested in learning about films shot there

It’s a film, about men, killing other men.
Classic men.


How about the food?

When they cover it with sauce, you know something’s amiss here. It’s like when you go into someone’s house and it smells like bleach, you’re like who was killed here?


Her sweeping generalisation about the city?


On Unicum, the local liquor

It could do with a rebranding.



But how does it taste?

Jesus Mary and Joseph and all of his carpenter friends.


- All of us after doing a shot of tequila.

Her drinking song was A+

Down in one, down in one, lads lads lads, Barmy Army.


But Richard didn't bite

If you leave me here, with one shot full, it will look from afar, like an Adele video.


It really did.

They then went to a trains station ran by kids

I have no doubt in my mind, that all these children are ghosts.


And had an argument on the chairlift that an old married couple would be jealous of

It just feels like your silence is very loud.


Her assesment?

I feel like Budapest brought its A game, architecturally.

What higher recommendation could you need than that?

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