SICK OF CARRYING a pint in your paw like a pleb? Hop over to London, so.
A new pub called Alcoholic Architecture is opening in the city’s Borough Market later this month, but it’s not your average hipster bar. Oh no.
It’s a ‘cloud bar’ where the drinks are inhaled instead of sipped.
Food scientists Sam Bompas and Henry Parr have devised a way to make spirits and mixers into ‘cocktail clouds’ using powerful humidifiers.
Customers will then walk through the ‘clouds’, absorbing the alcohol through their lungs and eyeballs – while wearing protective suits so their clothing isn’t destroyed by the humidity. Intense.
Bompas described the experience to Metro UK:
Visiting Alcoholic Architecture will generate the same sort of awe and wonder we have all probably experienced when gazing up at the night’s sky. Imagine Disney meets De Sade in Barbarella’s castle by way of Medieval Times with flagons of ale.
Basically: by bypassing the liver, you will probably get quite drunk, quite fast.
It’s £10 for an hour ‘session’ – and Bompass and Parr coyly encourage potential customers to “breathe responsibly”.
Cocktail clouds as the newest predrinking craze? It may just catch on.