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An American asked Reddit to help troll an Irishman, and they delivered

The only way to wind up an Irishman.

REDDIT USER THELEGENDARYSAIYAN asked the Irish community for some help yesterday. And man, did they deliver.

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He was logged into an Xbox party with an Irishman, and asked for some good ways to mess with him.

Some of the advice he got was golden.

The Kagestar suggested:

Ask him does he a know a Patrick from Dublin. Then go on to describe him when he says no.

With someone else adding:

And if he claims he doesn’t just keep repeating “Ah you do” like a good Irish Mammy.
The suggestions just kept flowing in, and they would piss any Irishman off:

Ask him if he has an Aunt Mary. – moderatorsaredouches

Tell him that you researched your family tree back 10 generations and discovered that you are more Irish than he is. – cogra23

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Ask him “what part of England is Ireland in anyway?” – tigernmas

Ask him what he did for saint pattys day lol. – dmc359

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Tell him you’ve had Cadburys chocolate before and it’s awful shite compared to hersheys. – nunchukity

Just keep saying – your oul one – to anything he says or every now and again ask him does he have any yokes. – HowsTheGee

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Call him a frigit. – dave_felix

Ouch, cutting.

The original poster failed to REALLY annoy him, but promises he’ll use them on another guy he plays with with “a much shorter fuse”.

Endless fun.

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